Centre tells govt officers not to take awards from private bodies


Centre tells govt officers not to take awards from private bodies

Kanwar Inder singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ December 4,2023

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has issued a latest guidelines on ‘Acceptance of Awards by Government servants’ from Private Bodies and Institutes, in accordance with Rule 14 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1965.

The ministry, in an office memorandum, highlighted that “it had observed govt officers are accepting awards or recognitions from private bodies in disregard of the rules.  The government order stated that the practice of granting awards by private bodies and institutes to govt officers should not be encouraged, as the government itself has various methods to recognise the merits and services of these officers.”

Ministry notice clarified that “Awards given by Private Bodies / Institutions / Organizations may be accepted only with prior approval of Competent Authority. The Competent Authority for acceptance of Awards by a Government servant would be Secretary of the concerned Ministry/Department and the Competent Authority may grant approval, only in exceptional circumstances as elucidated in Para 3 above subject to the following conditions: i. The award should not have any monetary component in the form of cash and/or facilities. ii. Credentials of the Private Bodies / Institutions / Organizations should be unimpeachable.

Centre tells govt officers not to take awards from private bodies. The ministry has also asked the departments, concerned authorities to ensure strict adherence to these guidelines.

Centre tells govt officers not to take awards from private bodies Centre tells govt officers not to take awards from private bodies