Chief electoral officer Punjab clarifies on local body elections


Chief electoral officer Punjab clarifies on local body elections

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Patiala

In response to a Social Media query raised by one of the political representative regarding the ensuing local body elections in Punjab, Dr. S. Karuna Raju, IAS, CEO, Punjab has clarified that the office of Chief Electoral Officer, Punjab or the Election Commission of India has no play in the local bodies elections, as these come under the purview of State Election Commission, which is a separate body.

At present, the Office of Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Punjab is spearheading the Special Summary Revision of the Electoral Roll with reference to January 1, 2021 as the qualifying date and the process of filing claims and objections shall continue up to December 15.

For the special drive for Summary Revision of the Electoral Roll, the copies of the draft electoral roll are made available for inspection with the Booth Level Officers (BLOs) and the Electoral Registration Officers (EROs). One can also log in to CEO, Punjab’s website to inspect the electoral roll.

Chief electoral officer Punjab clarifies on local body elections

The applications for inclusion, objections to inclusion, corrections and deletion in entries can be filed online through This service is fully free of cost. The electors can also obtain forms and submit filled in forms at the office of The Electoral Registration Officers / Asst. Electoral Registration Officers till December 15.

All eligible Indian citizens who will be attaining the age of 18 years on January 1, 2021 as the qualifying date, may apply for registration as voters. They are required to produce valid address proof and a valid document proving date of birth along with two colour photographs.

The disposal of claims and objections will be undertaken by January 5, 2021, checking of health parameters and obtaining Commission’s permission for final publication by January 14 and updating database and printing of supplements and final publication of electoral roll on January 15, 2021.

For any kind of information, feedback or suggestion, citizens can call at the CEO Punjab’s Toll Free No – 1950 or send an e-mail at [email protected]. In addition, they can post at the official Facebook page of CEO, Punjab at or send a Tweet at the Tweeter handle @TheCEOPunjab to get any kind of information.

December 13,2020