CM urged PM to name national bravery award as Sahibzada Baba Fateh Singh Ji


CM urged PM to name national bravery award as Sahibzada Baba Fateh Singh Ji

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to institute a National Bravery Award in the name of Sahibzada Baba Fateh Singh Ji and issue a commemorative gold coin in honour of Diwan Todar Mal, as a tribute to their sacrifices.

While Diwan Todar Mal had forsaken everything for the cause of righteousness and humanity, the unparalleled bravery and courage of Chhotte Sahibzade of Dasmesh Pita Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji has been gratefully acknowledged and remembered by Punjabis across the globe, said the Chief Minister in a letter to Modi. Captain Amarinder further underlined the need for people outside Punjab, especially across the globe, to also draw inspiration from this unique act recorded in the annals of our history.

CM urged PM to name national bravery award as Sahibzada Baba Fateh Singh Ji-Photo courtesy-Internet

The Chief Minister further pointed out that the supreme sacrifice and martyrdom of the Sikh Gurus which had always inspired generations of Indians and formed a glorious part of the country’s history.

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji sacrificed his entire family in his struggle against injustice and oppression perpetrated by the Mughals and is therefore rightly regarded by history as ‘Sarbans Daani’, the Chief Minister.

CM urged PM to name national bravery award as Sahibzada Baba Fateh Singh Ji. While the 10th Guru’s two elder sons, Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, were martyred in battle at Chamkaur Sahib, the two younger sons, Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh, were buried alive at Sirhind in a most cruel and inhuman manner, he noted. The two Chhotte Sahibzade, despite being of such tender age, showed exemplary courage and fearlessness to stand up against the might of the Mughal Governor of Sirhind, said the Chief Minister in his letter.