Columbia Asia hospital launched its dedicated burns unit in the region


Columbia Asia hospital launched its dedicated burns unit in the region

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala committed to serving community for more than 11 years and decades to come Launched its state-of-the-art dedicated burns unit under the aegis of Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Dinkar Sood Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery Columbia Asia Hospital Patiala told the burns patient has the same priorities as all other trauma patients which need to be addressed on priority. Columbia Asia Hospital Patiala is going to provide the Best care in worst cases by treating all kinds of burn patients. Dr. Dinkar told 1 Civilian fire death occurs every 2 hours 41 minute & you have 1 in 1,442 chances of dying from exposure to fire, flames, chemicals or smoke. The care the victim receives within the first few hours after sustaining a burn injury largely determines the outcome of the management.

Columbia Asia hospital launched its dedicated burns unit in the region

The severity of the burn is determined by burned surface area or depth of burn.So do not worry & feel safe, because we at Columbia Asia are here for you people with a dedicated state of the art burns unit with trained staff and clinical talent. Dr.DinkarSood is expert in fields of Plastic, Reconstructive &Cosmetic surgery will spread the Powder of Hope.On this occasion  Gurkirat Singh General Manger and Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala were also present.He told Columbia Asia is first in the region to launch dedicated burns unit where patient with different types of burns which earlier used to refer out to other cities will be treated.
