Columbia Asia Patiala started kidney stones treatment through RIRS Technique
Jasbir Kapoor/ Patiala
Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala started kidney stones treatment through RIRS (Retrograde Intra Renal Surgery) Technique. Dr. Yogesh Garg Consultant Urologist Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala told this advanced technique is only available at Columbia Asia Hospital Patiala.

He told this is an advance technique for treatment of kidney stones and few other kidney diseases. Dr. Yogesh Garg Consultant Urologist told this technique involves the use of Holium Laser and Flexible Urteroscope. Special flexible endoscopes can reach any part of the urinary tract without any cut or incision. Very fine laser fibers can be passed through these endoscopes to treat stones/tumors.
He also told that treating kidney stones through this technique has many benefits like no incision or cut, less chances of bleeding and other complications, shorter hospital stay, early recovery and faster return to work.

On this occasion Gurkirat Singh General Manager Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala were also present. He told Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala is committed to bring new and advanced services to the people of Patiala.