Council of Junior Engineers PSEB (REGD.) opposes Privatisation of Chandigarh’s power department


Council of Junior Engineers PSEB (REGD.) opposes Privatisation of Chandigarh’s power department

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ January 31,2025

Power Junior Engineers & Promoted Engineers working all over Punjab state power corporation limited (PSPCL) today held protest rallies at all Divisional head quarter of PSPCL to oppose the Central Govt. decision to hand over profit making UT Electricity Department Chandigarh to a private company ignoring all general procedural requirements. This was informed to the press by Er. Davinder Singh, General Secretary, JEs Council PSEB.

Meanwhile, Er. Paramjit Singh Khattra State President & Er. Davinder Singh State General Secretary of the JEs Council jointly stated that recent privatization attempt of Power Sector utilities/Departments by UT Administration Chandigarh & Uttar Pradesh Govt. is going to affect around 80,000 permanent and 50,000 outsourced employees and around 1 Crore 65 lakhs consumers. Electricity Employees & Engineers across the country under the banner of National Co-ordination Committee of Electricity Employees & Engineers (NCCOEEE) are in continuous struggle against these privatization initiatives.

Council Leadership further stated that the Chandigarh UT Electricity Department is an exemplary public power utility with annual profit of 365 Crore in 2019-20, 225 Crore in 2021, 261 Crore in 2021-22 and so on. It has well maintained Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) loss below 10% where the national average is more than 15%. The Chandigarh Electricity Department has been given favourable long term energy allocation from Bhakra Beas Management Board (Ensuring low cost hydro power) as well as allocation from Central Sector Generation Stations ensuring low priced electricity. The tariff of Chandigarh utility is around Rs.4.50 per unit which is one of the lowest in the country.

Council of Junior Engineers PSEB (REGD.) opposes privatisation of Chandigarh’s power department

They further informed that no transfer policy has been finalized regarding employees of UT Electricity Department Chandigarh, who are otherwise treated as per the Central Govt. employees and this privatization move will suddenly convert them into private sector workers, which is violation of Electricity Act 2003.

Council of Junior Engineers PSEB (REGD.) opposes Privatisation of Chandigarh’s power department. Council Leadership strongly demanded to halt all these privatization attempts immediately and urged the Central Govt. & concerned State Govt. to hold discussion with the various stakeholders before proceedings further.