Covid warriors became over burdened ? Hindustan Times action gets criticism from every quarter


Covid warriors became over burdened ? Hindustan Times action gets criticism from every quarter

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

“Hindustan Times action to expel its staff from the organization, in this crucial period, on the recommendation of a consultant is not a good sign. The nation is treating them as covid warriors and their own organistaion is treating them as over burdened” said Gurjit Singh, a media expert.

He further said ”they (print media persons) are the one who raised their voice against the atrocities being done on common man and now no one is raising their voice in favour of them”.


Another media analysts  Rishi said “Hindustan Times have a very heavy top management, having their annual packages in crores. Instead of removing them, the management is sacking the middle and lower rung employees, who are working on meager salaries. This shows the mindset and shortsightedness of the organization , which is going to complete its 100 years in coming years. He further said the “ organization is paying hefty amount to save the money by sacking its employees”

After sacking its employees in Delhi, the origin of the newspaper , the company now move towards its upcountry publishing units. They had already decided to shut their Patna, Pune editions. Now they are shunting employees of their Chandigarh unit, which cater the states of Punjab, HP, J&K, Parts of Haryana and Chandigarh.

Media advisor to former deputy chief minister of Punjab Sukbir Singh Badal said” sadly the system is such that journalist are unable to stand with their colleagues. They don’t even have a voice in the media and are unable to get their own grievances addressed. Two very fine gentlemen reporters I knew have been fired. A sad day indeed” .

Covid warriors became over burdened; Hindustan Times action gets criticism from every quarter

Divya Goel another journalist said” It has been an utterly sad and shocking day. Some of my very good friends have been fired without being given any valid reason by Hindustan Times (in Punjab and Chd). Till now we only heard that journalists are being fired ruthlessly but after today I know at least five of them personally who have been punished without a reason. No warning, no time to plan ahead and they were just told to resign. As a fraternity we stand together in this. And it is a reminder, that it is very near to each one of us and can happen to anyone, anytime. We keep raising voice for everyone but never for ourselves. Rights of journalists matter too. #Injustice #SpeakOut “

Covid warriors became over burdened; Hindustan Times action gets criticism from every quarter

The newspaper became a household name in Punjab, Chandigarh after Tribune, due to its editorial content. Even Times of India (ToI) had also launched its publication from Chandigarh edition on the same day when Hindustan Times (HT) launches its Chandigarh edition, but Times of India didn’t pick up its circulation due to low regional coverage. HT has an editorial team of repute, with strong network, writing skills, upto date knowledge.

May, 29,2020