DAV Celebrates Math Week to remember Ramanujan


To commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Indian Mathematician ‘Ramanujan’ D.A.V Patiala organized a mathematics week embellished with number of activities related to mathematics for 1500 students in its premises.

The celebration kick started on 18th December 2017 with a speech delivered by Aditi, where she highlighted the life history of Ramanujan and his substantial role and contribution in the field of mathematics.

Later students in an interesting and interactive manner threw light on angles, shapes and types of triangles. It followed with pious Hawan Yajna Performed to pay tribute to this genius mathematician.

Birth Anniversary of Indian Mathematician ‘Ramanujan

The weeklong celebration was made more meaningful with the successful conduction of the activities such as Quick Calculation contest on operation of numbers (for class III), Representation of angles and shapes (for class IV), Demonstration of measurement techniques (class V). Class VII students enlightened the contribution of different mathematicians in the field through their speech, Class VIII students added more meaning to their venture by preparing a project on biography of mathematicians. Paper cutting and pasting of the various topics activity proved quiet thrilling in the students of class IX & X. In addition to it a movie based on his life ‘Great mathematician Ramanujan’ was also shown in the classes to unveil the short & productive life of this inspirator.

The weeklong celebration concluded with a mathematic quiz for class IX & X which comprised on the question based upon various branches of mathematics. The result of the enthralling quiz are as follows:

Team EUCLID comprising Vansh Gupta, Arjun Gupta, Shubham Garg and Bhavesh Gurnani bagged 1ST position. ARYABHATTA team having Varuneesh Johar, Alankrit Chawla, Simratjit Singh & Tushar Jindal stood 2nd. THALES team having Ashmita, Akshata, Kashish and Gurkirat Singh got 3rd position.

Principal S.R. Prabhakar while appreciating the efforts made by Maths faculty headed by Ms. Neena Sharma (HOD MATHS) quoted that “Though Ramanujan’s lifchile was short but he has opened new dimension to the field of mathematics and has contributed to solve many riddles related to the field, he is a true inspiration for the mathematicians across the world”. The young students should try to walk on his steps and should follow their instincts and discover their hidden knacks.