DAV Patiala joins NO Plastic Campaign


DAV Patiala joins NO Plastic Campaign

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

In collaboration with Patiala Social Welfare Society, Patiala and Municipal Corporation, today DAV Patiala highlighting the message of ‘Say NO TO PLASTIC USE’ organized a rally which was successfully carried with the help of common people, hence serving the motive.

DAV Patiala joins NO Plastic Campaign

Principal Vivek Tiwari while appreciating the cause quoted that, “Today the world stands on the verge where awareness regarding the use of unbiodegrable products is highly essential, organizing such rallies is a puny step to bring the use of plastic to a halt. He also motivated the students to cut down its use in daily life.

Plastic is very harmful to the environment. Even its manufacturing is also very harmful to the environment as non renewable sources are used in its manufacturing.

DAV Patiala joins NO Plastic Campaign

Before plastic came in the market, people did shop, buy things, bring grocery, eatables from the market as is done now. How did they did it? So, we have to think it and avoid using the Plastic.