DAV Patiala observed National Technology Day


DAV Patiala observed National Technology Day

Patiala-“India witnesses the heritage of knowledge and it is the land which has produced many scientists, mathematicians who have proved to be instrumental for the entire world, so one should always strive hard to discover scientific temperament and should make zealous efforts to polish this skill” these were the key words quoted by Principal Vivek Tiwari addressing the august gathering on the occasion of National Technology Day in the DAV premises. The day is marked to glorify the importance of science in our daily life and to motivate the science as career option amongst the students. This day was observed under the guidance of HOD Science Neera Khurana.

DAV Patiala observed National Technology Day

To mark the day an informative and entertaining quiz was organized by Ms. Kirandeep Bawa, the event opened with useful information shared by Jaskaran of XI B , during the quiz four teams with titles Digital, Biometric, Forensic and Surveillance were formed and were quizzed about Melting ice based on astronomy the highest technology for mankind, another round highlighted the growing steps of science in our lives, videos were also shown on the science fiction , participants were also questioned for abbreviations used for technical terms . Participants were also detailed about the various branches of science.

In addition to it Automatic Garbage cleaner based upon robotic technology prepared by Rajveer and Deepesh was also shown and explained which won everyone’s applaud. To equip the students more a Power Point Presentation by Kiranjit was also shared by smart boards. On the whole all the events proved to be quite interactive and engaging.