Home Education DAV remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh with reverence

DAV remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh with reverence

DAV remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh with reverence
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DAV remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh with reverence

Kanwar Inder singh/ royalpatiala.in

To commemorate the sacrifice and to pay homage to the great freedom fighter and hero of  the freedom movements Shaheed Bhagat Singh, DAV Public School, Patiala organized a special programme on the occasion of his birth anniversary during which  Offg. Principal Neera Khurana along with teachers paid floral tribute to the legendary Nationalist. It followed with the soul stirring patriotic song ‘Mera Rang De Basanti Chola’ voiced by the staff members and students. The entire ambiance reverberated with the slogans of ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ raised by them inspiring everyone to imbibe the values of patriotism.

Dav remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh with reverence

Offg. Principal Khurana while addressing the teachers saluted the indomitable spirit of this legendary freedom fighter who laid his life for the country. She also mentioned that it’s a proud moment for DAV as Shaheed – e – Azam Bhagat Singh had been a student of DAV College, Lahore. She further encouraged them to adopt his ideologies and principles in their lives and inculcate the love for nation in them. The present generation needs to shed the appendages of religious beliefs and take a pledge to serve the nation selflessly and join hands to free it from all social evils.

September 28,2022