DAV school organised Bones Density Camp for its staff


DAV school organised Bones Density Camp for its staff

Gurpreet Kaur/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

With the motive to promote the importance and care for healthy bones amongst the staff members. DAV Patiala today organised a checkup during which has many as 100 staff members were diagnosed.

DAV school organised Bones Density Camp for its staff

During this checkup Doctor not only checked the staff members but he also guided them to keep proper check on the intake of calcium and Vitamin D, while suggesting them he added that it is quite essential to take proper sunlight as well as it can prove to be instrumental in caring for the bones and checking the bones density, hence it can reduce the chances of fractures.

DAV school organised Bones Density Camp for its staff

Officiating  Principal Neera Khurana thanked the visiting doctor and expressed that such measures can be an aid while saving ourself from bone breakage. This activity was conducted by Dr. Sonia (M.O) in Collaboration with Simply Health Plus Panchkula.

DAV school organised Bones Density Camp for its staff

A bone density test is the only test that can diagnose osteoporosis before a broken bone occurs. This test helps to estimate the density of your bones and your chance of breaking a bone.