DC Sangrur forwarded local made Electro Mechanical AMBU for certification


DC Sangrur forwarded local made Electro Mechanical AMBU for certification

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

It is commonly said that Necessity is the mother of invention, an old proverb.

Coronavirus pandemic has make many Indians to think, reinvent their talent. Now every Indian engineer, industrialist, technician, para medic are busy in making Make in India products, to counter the over dependency of many items, on other countries and can be made here.

In this line Jai Singh of Marahar Power control Pvt Limited at village Kakarwal under sub division Dhuri in Sangrur district has made an Electro Mechanical Ambu (Artificial Manual Breathing Unit (ventilation).

Ambu (Artificial Manual Breathing Unit (ventilation) is diagnostic and life-supporting equipment and solutions to hospitals and rescue services.

Deputy Commissioner Sangrur Ghanshayam Thori has forwarded the device made by Jai Singh of Marahar Power control Pvt Limited to the Director Industries department, Punjab to check and for getting it certified from a reputed institution, for its use.

The Ambu (Artificial Manual Breathing Unit (ventilation) designed by Dhuri based firm got the clearance from Dr Devender Goyal, Anesthetist Civil Hospital, Sangrur, on his part.

As per the expert, Ambu is a time being substitute of ventilator and can be used for the patient who is in critical zondition, as it is used for the breathing purpose.

An Electro Mechanical Ambu made by Jai Singh, can be adjusted in 10-15-20-25-30 artificial respiration per minute and is not too costly .

DC Sangrur forwarded local made Electro Mechanical AMBU for certification.If approved by the Punjab government, this machine will bring revolution in the medical line and will be helpful for govt hospitals, public health centres, rural hospitals.
