Home Punjab Debt Waiver,7213 farmers of Bathinda got relief-Badal

Debt Waiver,7213 farmers of Bathinda got relief-Badal

Debt Waiver,7213 farmers of Bathinda got relief-Badal
Debt Waiver, Bathinda's 7213 Farmers distributed relief-Badal
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Debt Waiver,7213 farmers of Bathinda got relief-Badal

Bathinda– Extending relief to all the debt ridden farmers of state, the 7213 farmers of district Bathinda have been given relief of Rs 29.17 cr under the second phase of debt waiver scheme. While the previous governments failed to do anything for the farmers of Punjab, Captain Amarinder Singh government extended farmers financial help by giving major debt relief. Till September 2018, the debts of 10.45 lacs farmers in state will be written off, said the Finance Minister Punjab Manpreet Singh Badal while presiding over district level debt waiver function.

He said that the Punjab government has waived off farm debts of marginal farmers who have taken loan from cooperative banks upto Rs 2 lacs. Under the first phase, all the 194 cooperative societies of district Bathinda had given Rs 38.34 cr debt waiver to 12560 farmers. Commending the work of cooperative banks, Badal said that under the second phase debt relief has been credited into the accounts of 7213 farmers.

Debt Waiver, Bathinda’s 7213 Farmers distributed relief-Badal

Badal added that the Punjab government was not only waiving off debt of farmers, but was also working towards imparting good education and vocational skills to the children of farmers making them ready for industrial jobs. He appealed the farmers to get their children educated even while they faced oddities of life. Better education will ensure that if the children adopt farming, they will be able to get better returns and if they go into job sector, they will attain higher ranks.

Addressing a media query, he said that Rs 200 per month professional tax is being charged from people whose monthly income was more than Rs 33000. The Punjab government has increased its share and now the Anganwari workers were getting honorarium of Rs 5000 per month. If any further increase has to be made, it has to be done by the center government.Deputy Commissioner Bathinda Diprava Lakra, was also present.