Desh Bhagat University organises Winter Fete,Hunar Mela


Desh Bhagat University organises Winter Fete,Hunar Mela

Desh Bhagat University’s IEDC department in collaboration with National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) organized ‘Hunar Mela cum Winter Fete’ in the campus. The event was a source of healthy entertainment and Fun & Frolic for all the students. Pro Chancellor Dr. Tajinder Kaur inaugurated the mega event and said that such events are a source of knowledge and recreation, from which the youth get a direction to showcase their skills, gets practical exposure and information about our rich heritage and culture. Chancellor Dr. Zora Singh said that the event was focused on Women Entrepreneurship and its objective was to entertain the students and to develop their entrepreneur skills as all the stalls were managed by the students of different faculties. The Event was graced by Harjinder Singh (Project Officer, District Industries Centre),Shahood Alam (Assistant Director, MSME, Ludhiana) and V.K. Sharma (Deputy Director).

Desh Bhagat University Organises Winter Fete cum Hunar Mela

The event presented pictures of rich Traditional Culture and Heritage of many states of the country. The craftsmen from different states exhibited their artistry and students from different faculties participated and showed their talents through modelling, singing and dancing competitions etc. On this occasion stalls of various brands like Khadi Gramodyog and many others attracted attention of everyone. These stalls demonstrated products like Ayurvedic and Herbal Products Aloeveera Juice, Gel, Shampoo, Soaps, Tonics, Chawayanprash etc. made by the Pharmacy Department of the university.

Star attractions of the event were the performances of Giddha, Bhangra, Manipuri Dance, Malwai Gidha and Singing by the individuals and teams of Girls and Boys. The students and Commuters also enjoyed Marry-Go-round, Camel & Horse Ride, Shooting and Fun games etc.

There were stalls showcasing Traditional values, culture, art and history of the country. The response of the audience was excellent to many Exhibition cum Sale stalls of different products like Paintings, Decorative Articles, Artificial Jewellery and Needle Work Articles.

Vice-Chancellor Dr. Virinder Singh appreciated the initiative of Dr. Shalini Gupta (IEDC) and appealed to the students to keep away from all kinds of drugs and proved their talent through this kind of programmes. DBDC Principal Dr. Rajiv Bali, Vice-Principal Dr. Sanjiv Soni, Directors Dr. Surjit Patheja, Sooraj Mathew, HoD’S and staff members from different faculties were also present at the occasion.