DLSA Rupnagar organises rally on Drug Menace on International Youth Day


DLSA Rupnagar organises rally on Drug Menace on International Youth Day

Bahadurjeet Singh/ Rupnagar, August 12,2023

A rally was organised by District Legal Services Authority Rupnagar on the occasion of International Youth Day against drug menace.

International Youth Day is celebrated every year on 12 August. Ahead of same, the aim of this special campaign was to create awareness among youth of Punjab to say “yes to life and no to drugs”. The rally was flagged of today morning from Shiwalik Public School, Rupnagar by Ramesh Kumari District and Sessions Judge Rupnagar. She was accompanied by entire judicial fraternity of District Rupnagar.

Around 300 persons including judges, school and college students, teachers, lawyers, members Rotary Club Rupnagar, Saanjh Kendra District Police Rupnagar and court staff participated in the rally with zeal. From Shiwalik School, the rally went to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chowk and then towards District Court Complex and Press Club and finally culminated in Maharaja Ranjit Singh Park.

Addressing the gathering and media, Ramesh Kumari said that youth is the future of Punjab and Drug Menace is most complex problem of Punjab. Today’s awareness campaign aimed to educate youth about ill-effects of drugs who fall prey to them unknowingly. The rally is appeal to the youth to pledge to stay away from drugs and also pull out others from drug addiction.

DLSA Rupnagar organises rally on Drug Menace on International Youth Day

DLSA Rupnagar organises rally on Drug Menace on International Youth Day. Himanshi Galhotra, Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM)-cum- Secretary DLSA Rupnagar, informed that ahead of 76th Independence Day the rally aimed to create legal awareness against drugs and child rights. She also informed that National Lok Adalat shall be organised in District on 9 September, 2023.

About DLSA

DLSA is to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker section of the society with a view to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or any other disability.