DMW Patiala to organize 64th All India Railway Men Cricket Championship


DMW Patiala to organize 64th All India Railway Men Cricket Championship

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

Diesel Loco Modernisation Works (DMW), a unit of Indian Railways, Patiala shall organize 64th All India Railway Men Cricket Championship 2018-19 from 25/03/19 to 04/04/19 at DMW Railway Cricket Stadium

Total eight teams (Eastern Railway, West Central Railway, East Central Railway, Chitranjan Locomotive Workshop, RDSO, DMW, and Diesel Locomotive Workshop) are participating in this tournament. Total 28 league matches shall be played at three available venues at Patiala namely DMW Stadium & BECC Ground-I & II. Further DMW is first time organizing knockout matches as well.

This eight knock out matches shall also be organized by DMW Sports Association. The schedule of Cricket Matches at Patiala-

DMW Patiala to organize 64th All India Railway Men Cricket Championship

DMW Patiala

Introduction of Diesel Locomotives on the Indian Railways started in late 50’s, with the import of locomotives from M/s. ALCO, USA. With the setting up of Diesel Locomotive Works at Varanasi in the year 1961, the addition to the Diesel Locomotive fleet started at a regular pace. In the earlier years of diesel operation, a limited demand of spares was met by Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi mainly through import, but the demand increased with the increasing size and age of the fleet. It was in the context of the need for high precision components for maintenance support to the diesel fleet, that in the year 1979, a decision was taken to set up Diesel Component Works at Patiala. The Foundation Stone of Diesel Component Works (DCW), Patiala was laid on October 24, 1981 and production started in 1986.