Door to Door campaign launched by District Legal Services Authority


Door to Door campaign launched by District Legal Services Authority

Legal Bureau/

The District Legal Services Authority, Patiala today started the ten days ‘Door to Door campaign as per directions of National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi w.e.f. 09.11.2018 to 18.11.2018 under the chairmanship of Sanjiv Berry, Learned District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala and under the aegis of Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar.

Door to Door campaign launched by District Legal Services Authority

Under the able guidance of Learned District & Sessions Judge, Patiala 22 teams at District Level headed by Panel advocates and Para Legal Volunteers and four teams each at Sub-Division level, Rajpura, Nabha and Samana respectively were constituted. The campaign shall cover urban as well as rural area of district Patiala. The teams headed by panel advocate and PLV’s are handed Literature consisting of pamphlets, brochures booklets etc about objectives and activities of Legal services  and distributed the same amongst people during  the campaign.

Punjab Legal Services Authority

The Legal Services Authorities Act 1987″ has come into force on 09.11.1995 to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker section of the society with a view to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or any other disability.