Dr. Sawraj Birthday Celebrated as World Thinking Day


The Malwa Research Center Patiala along with many other organizations associated with literature, language, art, thinking, theater and social work celebrated Birth Day of Global Thinker and Eminent Columnist, Dr. Sawraj Singh as World Thinking Day at the Bhasha Bhawan Patiala.

Sant Baba Seva Singh of Khadoor Sahib was the Chief Guest. Many scholars, writers, thinkers and personalities associated with literature, art, theater and social work from Punjab and abroad took part in the celebration.

Dr. Sawraj Singh’s Birth Day Celebrated as World Thinking Day


There was a very lively discussion on the topic; Indianization of Marxism a New Model of Development.  Dr.Tejwant Mann, President of the Kendri Likhari Sabha ( Sekhon), while discussing the main aspects of Eastern philosophy, emphasized the need for a dialogue among all concerned intellectuals. Bhai Harsimran Singh, Director Bhai Gurdas Institute of Advanced Sikh Studies, Gurbachan Singh Editor Desh Punjab, Professor Kulbir Kaur Chandigarh and Karm Singh Wakeel Chandigarh were the main speakers.

All of them stressed the need of deep introspection for the causes of Marxism not being able to take deep roots in the Indian society. Manjit Singh Narang IAS, Managing Director of the PRTC, Harkesh Singh  Sidhu IAS (Retd.) and Dr. Gursharan Kaur, Director Language Dept. Punjab were guests of Pride. Sucha Singh Deepak and Bhupinder Singh Malhi, social activists from Canada, were special guests. They all shared their views.

Concluding the discussion, Dr.Sawraj Singh said that Eastern philosophy has been ignored in the last two centuries of Western domination in spite of the fact that East’s experience in human development is much deeper and broader than the Western experience. He said that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the climax of Eastern philosophy and spirituality. He said that a fusion of the best elements of Eastern and Western philosophies can help to meet the challenges before the world and the mankind. Laksmi Narain Bhikhi, Pawan Harchandpuri, Dr. Kuldip Singh, Dr.Hukam Chand Rajpal, Arviner Kaur Kakra   and Giani Karnail Singh Garib also expressed their views.