EMRC Patiala hitting new milestones in digital content creation; ranked second in the country


EMRC Patiala hitting new milestones in digital content creation; ranked second in the country

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ July 30,2023

Educational Multimedia Research Center (EMRC) Patiala has secured second place in the country in the production of MOOCs during the academic year 2022-23. EMRC Mysore, one of the 21 centers of the entire country, is at number one. EMRC Mysore’s 19 MOOCs have been approved while EMRC Patiala followed and got 15 MOOCs approved which means more than INR two crore as grant for development of MOOCs. It is worth mentioning that the development of this digital content called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) is done under the supervision of two institutions of the Central Government- Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC) and University Grants Commission (UGC), under which the work progresses over the whole year. Video lectures of various subject experts are recorded and after editing, these are regularly run as a course on the ‘Swayam’ website. Students from abroad take these courses through an online mode and any student enrolled in any university of the entire country can take these courses.

There are 21 EMRCs in the whole country, out of which one center is located in the Patiala campus of Punjabi University. It is worth mentioning that EMRC MOOCs were started in Patiala from 2016. By the end of 2021, five MOOCs were produced while in the last one year, approval was received for 15 MOOCs out of which 6 MOOCs have been completed. Five programs are almost completed and under preview and four are under creation. Apart from Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh, various subject experts from the universities of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi and different states of India are specially recruited by EMRC for the development of these programs.

Director, EMRC Patiala, Daljit Ami expressed his happiness in this regard and said that the approval has been received according to the proposals made and sent by the subject experts through this center. He said that we are taking this trend forward. He added that we are currently in touch with the universities of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh and a good response is being received leading to more proposals being made and sent. It is hoped that more proposals will be approved from now on. As a result, during this year, EMRC Patiala stands a good chance of preceding its own current position in the country. He maintained that creation of all approved MOOCs will be completed this year so that more MOOCs can be approached for new approval with more preparation, experience and confidence.

EMRC Patiala hitting new milestones in digital content creation; ranked second in the country

Vice Chancellor Punjabi University, Patiala, Prof. Arvind said that we need to work diligently to improve our institutions. He expressed happiness and reiterated hope that we will soon come to number one position and raise the standard even higher. He further added that at present, more efforts are needed for expansion of education in connection with new technology. On this occasion Vice Chancellor Prof. Arvind, Registrar Prof. Navjot Kaur and Dean Academic Affairs Prof. Ashok Kumar Tiwari visited the Educational Multimedia Research Center and encouraged the entire staff.

Prof. Navjot Kaur said that the Educational Multimedia Research Center has made significant contributions to the academic activities of the university in addition to improving its work. Prof. Ashok Kumar Tiwari, sharing his experience, said that he has witnessed that the Educational Multimedia Research Center has achieved this position by working in two shifts.

EMRC Patiala hitting new milestones in digital content creation; ranked second in the country .While thanking the Vice Chancellor Prof. Arvind, Registrar Prof. Navjot Kaur and Dean Academic Affairs Prof. Ashok Kumar Tiwari, Daljit Ami expressed that this achievement would not have been possible without their support. He expressed hope that this cooperation and support will continue and the Educational Multimedia Research Center will continue to forge ahead towards new steps of progress.