Enactus Thapar- Strategist, Entrepreneur shared their experience


Enactus Thapar- Strategist, Entrepreneur shared their experience

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

After the success of Enactus Day 1.0, EnactusThapar was determined to take this annual event to an all new level with Enactus Day 2.0. “FELICITATEM”- the theme of this year successfully defines our event. Our basic aim wasthat each participant gains significant experience in problem solving, management of social businesses, and determines to bring about a change through it.

Enactus Thapar- Strategist, Entrepreneur shared their experience

As we know, there is no better way to promote growth and knowledge than by healthy discussion and mutual sharing of ideas. Moreover, the presence of an expert in such a discussion is just the perfect way to gain the correct knowledge and bring together different schools of thought. The Enactus Talk Show was organised as an initiative to brew such healthy and smart discussions in presence of our esteemed speakers- an exceptional strategist, Prof.Umesh Rathore, and a groundbreaking entrepreneur, Nitin Rai Chaudhary, who shared their experiences about the business world and other important topics relevant to innovation in entrepreneurship.This was followed by a cross-questioning round, and all the attendees were truly inspired and gained an insight as to what lies ahead.

Enactus Thapar- Strategist, Entrepreneur shared their experience

Day 2 brought with it the most awaited part of our flagship event, the Social Budgeting Convention.Following the ideology that the best teacher is a situation where the team is put to test, the competition began  with 28 teams, each with 3 participants, in the pursuit to produce the most innovative idea to solve social problems through entrepreneurship . Each team was assigned a village/district, and a sense of guardianship was instilled so that the problems that their village faces could be eradicated with utmost dedication. Sticking to the idea of Enactus, the teams were required to come up with a business plan, promoting the ideals of social entrepreneurship. At the end of the day, SBC was much more than a competition. It was a learning experience and a birthplace of innovative ideas wherein all the teams from inside T.I.E.T as well as from outside viz. College of Vocational Studies, Delhi Technical University, UICET, ADGITM, MCM, OP Jindal participated actively, and helped us to turn this event into a splendid one.