Expenditure cut-4 additional members in fiscal management cabinet subcommittee to decide


Expenditure cut-4 additional members in fiscal management cabinet subcommittee to decide

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

The Punjab Council of Ministers on Friday authorized Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh Minister to nominate four additional members on the Cabinet Sub-committee on Fiscal Management for broad-based discussion and decision on expenditure cuts needed to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.

Reviewing the state’s fiscal situation amid the COVID crisis, the Cabinet also asked the various departments to send their proposals for expenditure cuts by Monday and it was decided that the Cabinet Sub-committee will meet on Tuesday to discuss the same.

Capt. Amarinder asks all depts to cut expenses; seeks proposals by April 8-photo courtesy-internet

The Chief Minister, who heads the Cabinet Sub-committee, underlined the need to generate resources for the COVID-19 battle, and also suggested expansion of the sub-committee to make the discussions more broad-based.

Finance Minister Manpreet Badal informed the meeting that Rs 30 thousand crore of revenue earned through the upcoming procurement operations would be infused into the state’s economy. This would help in strengthening the COVID-19 battle of the state, said Captain Amarinder.
