Expert imparted knowledge on basic life support to Govt Bikram College students


Expert imparted knowledge on basic life support to Govt Bikram College students


An Extension lecture on First Aid by the Red Cross Unit of Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala was conducted under the guidance College Principal Prof. (Dr.) Kusum Lata on 27/10/22. The renowned Social Activist Kaka Ram Verma was the guest who focusing on the theme of ‘Basic life Support’ imparted knowledge of commonly occurring situations in our day to day life. It was explained to the teachers and the students to remain calm in adverse situations and how to provide basic medical aid to the injured. The use of fire Safety devices was also explained to the students by giving them practical demonstration.

Expert imparted knowledge on basic life support to Govt Bikram College students

A hands-on training was demonstrated in CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and other medical Conditions like nose bleeding, choking, fits etc. In addition to this Parminder Kaur, Counselor, Red Cross Drug De- Addiction Centre at SAKET Hospital, Patiala, gave information to the students about ill effects of drug abuse and about the facilities provided by the Govt. at Govt. De-Addiction Centers. The Others Present were Upkar Singh, President Gian Jyoti Education Society, Patiala. About 300 Students attended the Program. The students were awarded appreciation certificates. The Program was conducted by Dr.Tarandeep Kaur Incharge Red Cross Unit.

October 28,2022