Expert Talk on Role of AI in Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and SAP held at Punjabi University


Expert Talk on Role of AI in Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and SAP held at Punjabi University

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ March 22,2024

Under the guidance of Prof. Balraj Singh Saini, Head of the Mechanical department an Expert Talk has been organized in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala on the theme of Artificial Intelligence, Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and SAP.

The title of this expert talk was “Role of Artificial Intelligence in Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and SAP”.

In this talk there were 4 speakers from academia and industry namely, Dr. Jasvinder Singh (Associate Professor and Head, LPU) delivered his talk on Role of Green practices in the Manufacturing Process, followed by Dr. Sachit Vardhan (Professor and Head, CT University), whose topic for the talk was Recent advances in Sustainable Manufacturing Processes and then Dr. Kanwaljeet Singh (MRSPTU, Bathinda) delivered his talk on Role of Artificial Intelligence in Green and Sustainable Manufacturing practices. Lastly, Bhanu Garg (an expert from industry) delivered his talk on SAP.

Expert Talk on Role of AI in Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Practices and SAP held at Punjabi University

The talk was Coordinated by Dr. Chandan Deep Singh, who arranged and introduced all the speakers. He thanked all the participants for their active participation and wholeheartedly acknowledged the speakers and thanked them for their energetic talks. Moreover, this online expert talk preserved the theme of the sustainability.

On the whole this talk will prove beneficial to students as it presented them with latest research and advanced areas in industry and also gave them insights on SAP. Further, the coordinator Dr. Baljinder Ram managed the whole talk.