Eye drops patent by US brought Punjabi university don in limelight
Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh
A US Patent has been granted to an Eye lubricant found to be effective for treatment of dry eye disease during pre-clinical investigation developed by Dr Vikas Rana and his research team. Dr Vikas Rana is Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research Punjabi University, Patiala. He has published more than 70 international research papers in a high impact factor journals, many books and handles many projects granted by central agencies worth crores. Dr. Rana has guided research to many PhD and post graduate students. This US patent is the outcome of his 10 years of research and tireless efforts for making this research under the umbrella of US Patent. In addition, this patent is the outcome of collaborative work of Punjabi university Patiala with CSIR, New Delhi.
Eye lubricants are the eye drops used to lubricate the upper surface of cornea which generally gets dried up due to excessive and constant exposure to excessive heat leading to dry eye disease. The patient suffering from dry eye disease feels pain in the eyes, headache, etc. This US Patent granted to Dr Vikas Rana is on the development of eye drop administered prior to constant exposure to excessive heat results in prevention of corneal surface drying and gives relief to the patient. During preclinical investigations it was found that this eye drop containing novel molecule is safe, effective and nontoxic. Now, university is planning to go for its clinical trials in collaboration with government and non-government agencies.
Dr Ashok Kumar Malik, Director Planning and Monitoring, Punjabi university, Patiala, congratulated Dr Vikas Rana and appreciated his tireless efforts in obtaining this US Patent.
Prof. BS Ghuman, Vice-Chancellor, Punjabi University, Patiala said this is very proud moment for the university and he promised to support the further research work. Dr Vikas Rana thanked Prof. BS Ghuman for his motivation and appreciation for getting this US Patent. This will open a new horizon of research in this field.