Finally, after two weeks PSTCL gets IAS as Chairman; no regular CMD appointed in last 13 years


Finally, after two weeks PSTCL gets IAS as Chairman; no regular CMD appointed in last 13 years

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ August 16,2023

Today, Punjab govt has once again appointed an IAS as chairman of Punjab state transmissison corporation limited (PSTCL).

As per the orders Tejveer Singh, IAS Principal Secretary, Power and in addition Principal Secretary, Governance Reforms & Public Grievances is the new Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. In addition to his other charges.

Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL) is headless since August 1,2023, as on July 31,2023 its CMD, A. Venu Prasad, IAS retired after attaining the age of 60. He also held the additional charge of this Transcom .

In 2010, erstwhile Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) was bifur- cated into two corporations –Punjab state power corporation limited (PSPCL) and Punjab state transmission corporation limited (PSTCL). PSTCL deals with power transmission and PSPCL manage power generation and distribution.

Since the inception of PSTCL in 2010, no independent,regular CMD is appointed in the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL). Anurag Aggarwal, IAS was appointed as the first CMD of PSTCL and the last CMD of PSTCL was A. Venu Prasad, IAS Additional Chief Secretary to Chief Minister, Punjab.

Finally, after two weeks PSTCL gets IAS as Chairman; no regular CMD appointed in last 13 years. Even, Punjab power engineers have demanded the merger of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) and Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL) for more efficiency and coordination.

Finally, after two weeks PSTCL gets IAS as Chairman; no regular CMD appointed in last 13 years

The board of directors of the merged corporation should be formed purely on the professional competency instead of incorporating officers in their official capacity, the engineers have demanded.

Further being two separate entities, has resulted in increase of cost of capital projects due to non-utilisation of resources mainly land by either organisation for augmenting or constructing new sub-stations in the vicinity of already existing substations of other organisation. Land or building of 66KV substation will not be used for augmentation to 220KV, similarly, 220KV substations will not be used to augment/ addition of 66/11KV capacity.

One of Punjab’s major corporation is headless in peak season; no regular CMD appointed in last 13 years