Five members NAAC Peer Team Visits Central University of Punjab


Five members NAAC Peer Team Visits Central University of Punjab

Kanwar Inder Singh/

A five-member National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer Team visited the Central University of Punjab between 24th to 26th August for the second cycle Accreditation of the University. The Peer Team was chaired by Prof Ramesh Chandra, former Vice-Chancellor, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi and Senior Professor, Former Head, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Delhi. The other members of the team were Prof. Muhammad Rizwan Khan, Dept. of English, Aligarh Muslim University; Prof. Rangaiah B., Former Head, Dept. of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University; Prof. (Retd.) Subhash Chandra Roy, Chanakya National Law University, Patna; and Prof. Rangaswamy N., Dept. of Economics, Bangalore University.

On the first day, the  Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Raghavendra P. Tiwari, gave a welcomed the peer team and gave a detailed presentation about the functioning of the university. He briefed the visiting team about the progress made on the academic, administrative and infrastructure fronts.

Five members NAAC Peer Team Visits Central University of Punjab

Thereafter, various interaction sessions were conducted with officials of the University. Prof. B.P. Garg, Controller of Examinations and Registrar (O) briefed about the functioning of different administrative sections, the examination process and the evaluation pattern adopted by the university. Dean Incharge Academics Prof. R.K. Wusirika; Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Prof. Monisha Dhiman; Director Research and Development, Prof. Anjana Munshi; Finance Officer Prof. P.K. Mishra; and Purchase Officer Prof. Anil Mantha also shared functions of their respective offices. The Deans of Schools, Head f Departments, and Chairpersons of various Cells established by the university on the direction of the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission also shared their role and working methodology.

On the second day of the NAAC Visit, the  Chancellor of the Central University of Punjab, Prof. Jagbir Singh, also interacted with the NAAC Peer Team members.

As a part of its three-day programme, the NAAC Peer Team interacted with the alumni, parents, students, teaching and non-teaching staff. The Peer Team visited all 31 departments and conducted onsite inspection at various facilities available at CUPB viz. Research Laboratories, Teaching Laboratories, Library, Computer Centre, Audio Visual Studio, Museum, Animal House, STP, Botanical Garden, Legal Aid Clinic, Gymnasium, Boys and Girls Hostel, Annapurna Hall and Health Centre to validate the Qualitative Metrics as per the criteria of the Self Study Report (SSR). During their visits, the team was impressed with the functioning of the university.

The NAAC Team also attended a special cultural programme showcasing the Bharatiya Cultural Integration at Central University of Punjab. During this programme, students studying at CUPB from 26 different States/Union Territories showcased the glimpses of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat by displaying mesmerizing performances of their respective cultures.

Five members NAAC Peer Team Visits Central University of Punjab

The three-day visit of NAAC Peer Team at CUPB concluded with an Exit Meeting held on 26th August, 2022 in which the report prepared by the NAAC Peer Team was handed over to the Vice-Chancellor, CUPB. The Chairperson of the Peer Team expressed his happiness regarding the active participation of stakeholders, especially parents and alumni, which he said was unique among other higher educational institutions.

On this occasion, Prof. Tiwari, while expressing gratitude towards the NAAC team, stated that the Peer Team Members during their visit had provided an equal opportunity to all stakeholders to showcase their work and contributed meaningful suggestions for further improvements, which would help us to walk ahead in our pursuit towards achieving excellence.

August 27,2022