For smooth power supply during paddy season MLA Nihal Singhwala inaugurates three feeder breakers


For smooth power supply during paddy season MLA Nihal Singhwala inaugurates three feeder breakers

Bureau/ News/ June 19,2023

Today, MLA Nihal Singhwala Manjeet Singh Bilaspur inaugurates Three Numbers ( 11 kv Beerd Badhni(AP), 11kv Miniya(AP) and 11kv Badhni Urban ) feeder breakers at 220kv sub station Badhni kalan under Moga Suburban under PSPCL‘s Faridkot Circle.

This will help in improvement in power supply of villages Beerd Badhni, Lopo,Kothe,Miniya pati etc under Moga District where Paddy Season is going to start from June 21,2023.

The expenditure incurred on these three feeders are Rs 43 Lacs approx.

For smooth power supply during paddy season MLA Nihal Singhwala inaugurates three feeder breakers

On this occasion PSPCL West Zone Chief Engineer Er.Harparveen Singh Bindra, Superintending Engineer Circle Faridkot Er.Sandeep Garg,Sr. Xen Sub Urban Division Moga Er.Rakesh Kumar,Sr.Xen City Moga Er.Rajinder Singh,AE Er. Surjit Singh,and other technical staff members of Sub Division Badhni Kalan were present.