Founder’s Day Celebrated at Police DAV Public School
It was a day of festivity and enthusiasm in Police DAV Public School, Patiala where in Founder’s Day was celebrated. A special assembly was conducted in this regard by the Pansy House. Jasmine of Class VII delivered a speech highlighting the achievements of school till date. Gurkanwal of class VII spoke on the life history of Mahatma Hansraj, the founder of DAV institutions. Children of primary wing were dressed colourfully and the whole campus was beautifully decorated. On this occasion the students were awarded badges class wise:- speckless, master mind, outstanding ,good orator etc. Floral tributes were paid to Mahatma Hansraj ji and school choir enchanted hymns in melodious voices. The school song was also recited.
Today also happened to be earth Day, so the school students depicted as earth models and displayed its future. Students presented a skit depicting the consequences of global warming.

On this occasion, the school principal Meena Thapar greeted every one and motivated students to rise high in life by simple living and high thinking like Mahatma Hansraj ji. She also urged students not to waste the natural resources and to conserve them as much as possible. She wished everyone a bright future.