Four laning of Patiala to GT Road Sirhind to start soon-Singla


Four laning of Patiala to GT Road Sirhind to start soon-Singla

Kanwar Inder singh/

Punjab PWD minister Vijay Inder Singla has informed that Punjab government has approved the four laning of Mata Gujri Marg (Mata Gujar Kaur) from Patiala to GT Road, Sirhind. The total stretch of 29 kms will be made with a cost of Rs 119.60 crores. The project will start soon.

Vijay Inder Singla further informed that chief minister of Punjab  Charanjit Singh Channi has named the road from Patiala to Sirhind-Fatehgarh Sahib- Bassi Pathana-Morinda –Bela- Chamkaur Sahib as Mata Gujri Marg. The work on 29 kms stretch (from Patiala to Sirhind GT Road) has already been going on, except the stretch of 21 kms which is yet to start.

Four laning of Patiala to GT Road Sirhind to start soon-Singla

Four laning of Patiala to GT Road Sirhind to start soon-Singla. PWD minister said the 8 kms road from Patiala to Baran is already a four lane road and rest 21 kms stretch will be four laned. The road will be widened on both sides by 8.75 m and will have 1.2 m centre verge in it. The road from Patiala to Baran will be re-laid. A new steel structure will be made on Bhakhra canal. The total cost of 109.38 crore will be incurred on the road, whereas the steel bridge on Bhakhra canal will cost 10.22 crore .

Vijay Inder Singla added that Punjab government has accepted a long pending demand of the residents of Patiala to four lane the road from Patiala to Sirhind GT road.  Patiala-Chamkaur Sahib is not only an important route for social, business purpose only , it’s a religious route also as it connects Gurudwara Dukhniwaran sahib in Patiala, Gurudwara Sri Fatehgarh Sahib and Gurudwara at Chamkaur sahib.

December 9,2021