From RO to nutritious food to fruits to toys; everything is available to Covid 19 patients at Rajindra Hospital


From RO to nutritious food to fruits to toys; everything is available to Covid 19 patients at Rajindra Hospital

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

“Govt Rajindra Hospital authorities are taking care of every minute things of Covid 19 patients, admitted in the isolation wards of Govt Rajindra Hospital newly constructed MCH (mother and child care) block’ said a medico  associated with the  day to day activities of the isolation wards, where all the positive patients were kept.

All the positive Covid 19 patients of Patiala, Rajpura were admitted in this block, which is not assessable to any one, expect the medicos on duty. All the equipment’s like ventilators, x-ray machine, ultrasound machine were already installed in the block and a dialysis unit is going to be installed, so that no the patient should go outside for these tests.

Countering  all the negative news , fake news at bay  “a doctor who is working in the MCH Building (Isolation wards) disclosed that the government is not only taking medical care of these positive patients, but also taking care of their physical health, their mental health, their immune system also. The authorities has installed three RO (Reverse Osmosis) systems for the patients at ground, 5th and 7th floor, as only three floors are made functional in the eight floor building. Earlier the patients were given Bisleri Water.”

“As summer has approached, Refrigerators (Fridges) were also established at ground, 7th and 8th floor. Likewise Air Conditioners (AC’s)  were also installed for the positive patients. Tough the building is centrally AC, but as per the new guidelines, AC’s were installed’ said the doctor.

“The health authorities are taking care of their health also, so we gave them healthy and notorious foods, fruits to keep them healthy” informed the doctor.

From RO to notorious food to fruits to toys; everything is available to Covid 19 patients at Rajindra Hospital

As few kids of 2 ½, 11,13 years of age are also tested positive and are in the isolation ward along with their parents, yesterday the medicos gave them toys, so that they can enjoy and play with them in isolation wards.

A medico is available to help them to remain mentally strong in isolation period, who take care of their psycho related anxiety. “An ardas (prayer) was also performed by the health authorities along with all positive patients admitted in the isolation ward, for their early recovery” informed the doctor.

“The authorities are also sanitizing the building, twice in a day. The whole Rajindra hospital has already been sanitized’ added the doctor
