GNDU hosted two weeks workshop on Development of Module


GNDU hosted two weeks workshop on Development of Module

Gurpreet Kaur/ Amritsar

A two weeks workshop on ‘Development of Module for Effective Internship Programme in Teacher Education Courses’ under Centre of Pre-Service Teacher Education, School of Education, under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme, MHRD, was concluded with presentation of the work prepared during 14 days workshop by the participants. The workshop was attended by 35 participants from various Teacher Education Institutes from Punjab and outside states i.e. Gujrat, Tejpur & Jammu.

In the valedictory session, Prof. Balwinder Singh, Prof. Incharge Finance & Development was the chief guest. He highlighted the role of teachers in shaping the personality of the students by exhibiting an exemplary role model for the coming generations. He reiterated that the importance of integrating technology cannot be underrated but teachers are entrusted with the role of shaping and preparing good citizens. He congratulated the organizers for the successful completion of this workshop Development highlighted the role of teacher in shaping the personality of the students by exhibiting an exemplary role model for the coming generations. He reiterated that the importance of integrating technology cannot be underrated but teachers are entrusted with the role of shaping and preparing good citizens.

GNDU hosted two weeks workshop on Development of Module

While welcoming the chief guest,  Prof Amit Kauts, Project Coordinator, School of Education shared that the basic goal of this workshop was to acquaint the participants with development of various components of internship programme followed in Teacher Education. While sharing the report of the workshop, he elaborated that the participants learnt construction of achievement test, designing various types of instructional plans with specific focus on effective learning, values, experiential learning, rubrics, integrating ICT tools in teaching learning.

In the two weeks time, the participants also prepared a structured plan to effective launch of 16 week internship for developing effective teachers for school system. This plan also specified the role of various stakeholders including state authorities. The participants also learnt ways of giving feedback which is fundamental to improvement. All learning was done while engaging with hands on experience on developing lesson plans and other assignments on their respective topics with ICT integration which would free their students from barriers of time and space. This would help students to attain higher order cognitive goals. He also expressed his gratitude towards the university administration for providing support and cooperation for organising such programmes.

Dr. Deepa Sikand, Head, Department of Education presented vote of thanks to the guest & participants.. Dr. Sikand emphasized her firm belief that through the learning from this workshop, the participants will be able to redesign internship practices. She expressed her gratitude to participants to remain active and punctual throughout the workshop.

The participants also shared their perceptions that how this workshop helped them in realigning their knowledge with the changing times. The teacher educators admitted that this workshop had made them more confident in launching internship in their institutes in a better way. They expressed their delight and also gave their feedback about the sessions conducted during the workshop. The interactions were very interesting, informative and provided hands on experiences.We would like to participate in more of such workshops commended one of the participants.