GNDU’S lifelong learning department offers hope to matric and 10+2 pass dropouts


GNDU’S lifelong learning department offers hope to matric and 10+2 pass dropouts

Gurpreet Kaur/ / Amritsar

The youth of the region need not to get dishearten if he/she cannot pursue studies after completing his/her metric or class 10+2 owing to various reasons. There is always hope for earning a livelihood. One just has to turn to the Department of Lifelong Learning of Guru Nanak Dev University. It’s unique, as it offers courses that helps youngsters to earn their livelihood.

GNDU’S lifelong learning department offers hope to matric and 10+2 pass dropouts.The Department was established in 1985 and fully self-financed. However the Department has also received grants from the UGC for the upgradation of infrastructure and conducting various programmes.

“The Department conducts various programmes under non-formal mode of education for fulfilling the educational needs of those who could not get appropriate opportunities for higher education. Therefore in order to adopt the changing circumstances in the technological world, educational programmes are conducted by the University.” says Dr. Saroj Bala, Director of the Department.

July, 24, 2020