Gobind Singh Longowal re-elected SGPC president


Gobind Singh Longowal reelected SGPC president

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Amritsar

Shriomani Gurdwara Pharbandhak Committee SGPC general house reelected Gobind Singh Longowal as President for one year. Bibi Jagir Kaur former SGPC president propsed the name of Gobind Singh Longowal for the post of SGPC President. Members of the SGPC supported the name of Gobind Singh Longowal and he is elected unopposed.

SGPC Members also elected Raguhjit Singh Virk as Senior Vice President and Bikar Singh as Junior Vice President, Gurbachan Singh Gen. Secy of SGPC were elected unanimously amidst the religious slogans of Bol-e-So-Nihal Sat-Sri-Akal at the mini Sikh Parliament  in Teja Singh Samudari Hall in the SGPC premises.

Gobind Singh Longowal reelected SGPC president

Gobind Singh Langowal who becomes the SGPC chief remained MLA in 1985, 1997 and 2002. He had also win by-elections from Dhuri when Congress MLA Arvind Khanna resigned in 2015. Longowal remained chairman of Sangrur district planning board.  Longowal was also remained cabinet minister in the Akali Government. He became SGPC member in 2011.

S.G.P.C is directly elected by an electorate of the Sikh Nation, male and female above 18 years of age who are registered as voters under the provisions of Sikh Gurdwara Act 1925. This act enables SGPC to control all the Historical Gurdwaras as well as Gurdwaras under Section 87 of this act.  The elections to SGPC are held after every five years. SGPC is also called Parliament of the Sikh Nation. Now apart from the management of Gurdwaras, it runs many prestigious educational institutions including Medical colleges, Hospitals and many Charitable trusts.