Golden Jubilee Bhai Vir Singh Flower and Plants Exhibition from December 8-GNDU


Golden Jubilee Bhai Vir Singh Flower and Plants Exhibition from December 8-GNDU

Gurpreet Kaur/ Amritsar

Guru Nanak Dev University will organize Golden Jubilee Bhai Vir Singh Flower and Plants Exhibition from December 08 to 10, 2019. During this exhibition, flower, plants and rangoli will be displayed and the best entries will also be suitably awarded.

Golden Jubilee Bhai Vir Singh Flower and Plants Exhibition from December 8-GNDU

Dr. J.S. Bilga, Coordinator of the event said that this exhibition will be organized with objective to associate students with nature and to promote floriculture and plantation in the society. This exhibition will be held due to the efforts of Vice Chancellor Professor Jaspal Singh Sandhu. In the exhibition there will be various types of followers, Rangolis and stalls relating to agriculture will be displayed.