GOMCO & Rajindra hospital Paediatrics department to hold COVID CME


GOMCO & Rajindra hospital Paediatrics department to hold COVID CME

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

The Department of Paediatrics is going to hold one day Paediatrics COVID CME on 9th October 2021 at Medical Education Cell, Government Medical College (GOMCO), Patiala, under able chairmanship of Dr. Baljinder Kaur, Professor and Head, Paediatrics. Chief Guest of CME will be Dr. Avneesh Kumar, Director-Principal, Government Medical College, Patiala.

Dr.R.P.S.Sibia vice Principal, along with Medical Superintendent and Professors of various departments, PGIMER & GMCH sector 32 Chandigarh will be present. Dr. Harshindar Kaur will be moderating session of psychosocial issues in Paediatrics. Dr. Baljinder Kaur, Dr. Manpreet, Dr. Tanya, Dr. Parveen, Dr. R.P.S.Sibia will speak on various issues. More than 100 post-graduate delegates will be attending the conference.

GOMCO & Rajindra hospital Paediatrics department to hold COVID CME

Various specialists, Dr. Sudha Chandelia from P.G.I, Dr. Roosy Aulakh from GMCH-Sector 32 will discuss numerous topics and previous COVID experience with newer changes observed along with long term effects of COVID disease in children.

October 8,2021