Goodwill gesture for the ignored and ignorant by Patiala NGO


Goodwill gesture for the ignored and ignorant by Patiala NGO

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

More than 400 drug addiction patients are coming for daily treatment dose in Rajindra hospital OST (Opioid Substitution Therapy) centre. Most of them are poor economically and in hygiene and hence more prone to different ailments including Covid due to low immunity.

Observing they are the ignored group of society during the lockdown under corona crisis and not properly following the lockdown guidelines due to ignorance and protection education, the Society for People’s Welfare & Awareness, an NGO of Patiala has come forward to the help of these people who are mostly youngsters and daily coming to the centre for the booty.

Goodwill gesture for the ignored and ignorant by Patiala NGO

Doing a bit, the NGO today handed over 1000 masks and sanitiser bottles (10) to the incharge of the centre Dr Jyoti Bala for use of these patients during their visit to the centre along with display of Corona related educative banners outside the centre.

According to Dr DS Bhullar, President of the NGO and head of the adjoining mortuary wing of Rajindra Hospital in Patiala, it was noticed that these people were not taking proper precautions inspite of regular visit by hospital police.

Goodwill gesture for the ignored and ignorant by Patiala NGO. Moreover they are the ignored class of people apparently and hence the right target group for my NGO to fulfil our social responsibility in the war against Corona.

According to Bhullar, there may more such people in the district who require special attention in war against Corona to protect them and check spread of the disease through such potential sources of infection.
