Governor awarded Sports Diploma to 262 Trainees at NIS


Governor awarded Sports Diploma to 262 Trainees at NIS

Patiala-55th Diploma award ceremony of diploma course in sports coaching was held today at SAI NS NIS Patiala where Governor of Punjab V P Singh Badnore was the chief guest who confer the diplomas to the successful trainees in 18 different sports disciplines. Diploma was awarded to 262 trainees out of whom 52 trainees got grade “A”, 207 trainees got grade “B” and 03 trainees got grade “C”.

The following trainees were declared toppers in their respective sports disciplines.

S.NoGameRoll No.Name of Trainee
1.AthleticsAth-29Yogendra Singh Chahar
2.BasketballBB-38Smithin Markose Settu
3.BoxingBOX-56Lovepreet Singh
4.CricketCkt-77Yagnesh Dilip Sapkal
5.CyclingCyc-90Naseeb Saini
6.FencingFen-100Nitish Nav
7.FootballFB-125Ms.Neha Yadav
9.HandballHB-161Ms.Harvinder Kaur
11JudoJudo-195Vivek Thakur
12.SwimmingSwg-206Ms.Priyanka Yadav
13.Table TennisTT-214Mohit Bisht
14.VolleyballVB-228Sudhir Kumar Gupta
15.WeightliftingWT-LT-240Nogender Singh
16.WrestlingWrest-254Ms.Priyank Singh
17.WushuWushu-305Ms.Anjana Rani


S.NoGameRoll No.Name of Trainee
1.AthleticsAth-29Yogendra Singh Chahar


S.NoGameRoll No.Name of Trainee
Governor awarded Sports Diploma to 262 Trainees at NIS

Toppers of each discipline were given mementos by the chief guest.Besides the officers of local administration Governor of Punjab was received by Dr. S.S. Roy. Executive Director, SAI NS NIS Patiala. The diploma award ceremony started with the National Anthem. Dr. S. S. Roy, Executive Director (Academics) SAI NSNIS Patiala  formally welcomed , Governor of Punjab and presented him flower bouquets.  Brief academics report of SAI NS NIS Patiala was presented by Dr. I. P. Nagi, Controller of Examination. Bahadur Singh,  Padama Shree, Dronachrya and Arjuna Awardee addressed the audience and blessed the diploma trainees.

Badnore praised the functioning and contribution of NIS.  He insisted for creating the sports infrastructure at the school level as the real talent exist there and will come from there only. His Excellency congratulated the fresh passed out coaches and wished them all success in future.

The prominent sports personality like GS Sandhu, Dronacharya Awardee in Boxing, Shakti Singh, Aruna Awardee Shot putter,  National Campers, National Coaches, Mayor of Patiala Sanjiv Sharma Bittu, Social worker Bhagwan Dass Juneja  were also present at this occasion.Dr. Rajdeep Talwar, Dean Faculty of Sports Sciences, SAI NS NIS Patiala conveyed the Vote of thanks.