Graduation Ceremony for Kindergarten at Police DAV


Graduation Ceremony for Kindergarten at Police DAV

Graduation ceremony was held in Police D.A.V Public School, Patiala for Kindergarten classes. The graduation programme began with greetings by the teachers for tiny tots and it was expanded by various dances and rhymes presented by the kids of Nursery  L.K.G and U.K.G.

Graduation Ceremony for Kindergarten at Police DAV

They wore wearing colourful dresses and looked cheerful and enthusiastic. On this Occasion Principal Meena Thapar handed over graduation degrees to the students of Nursery, L.K.G and U.K.G. She congratulated the tiny tots and wished them a bright future. She also inspired the kids to work hard and put the efforts in the right direction and earn name and fame for their parents & country.