Grand farewell party ‘Milan-2023’ orgainsed for BCA students of Govt Bikram College


Grand farewell party ‘Milan-2023’ orgainsed for BCA students of Govt Bikram College

Bureau/ News/ May 15,2023

Govt Bikram College of Commerce’s HEIS Department organized the farewell party Milan-2023 for the outgoing students of BCA part 3 under the guidance of College Principal Prof. (Dr.) Kusum Lata on 15th May 2023.

The program started with lighting of the holy lamp by the College Principal and faculty members. Prof. Ram Kumar, Member Secretary HEIS and the staff presented a bouquet of flowers as a token of gratitude to the College Principal.

The principal thanked the staff for the hard work and efforts and advised the outgoing students to follow a three word Mantra of Purity, Clarity and Sincerity to be successful in life. Milan 2023 is an opportunity to meet the challenges in the outer world with greater strength. The students gave amazing dance and song performances to make the party vibrant. All the more exciting was the ramp walk by the students of the outgoing class.

Grand farewell party ‘Milan-2023’ orgainsed for BCA students of Govt Bikram College

The program was very well coordinated and concluded on a happy note with everyone stepping on the tunes of Punjabi music. Everyone present enjoyed the delicious lunch after the party. All the members of the teaching and the non teaching staff were a part of the part of the function organized by the HEIS Department.