Guru Nanak Dev University added another feather in its cap- ranked 17th in India
Jasbir Kapoor/ Amritsar
Guru Nanak Dev University once again proves its supremacy amongst the Government Universities of North India. This was announced by India Today (MDRA) survey 2019. The survey was conducted by Marketing and Development Research Associates (MDRA) a reputed Delhi based Marketing and Development Research Agency. In the overall India’s Best General Govt. Universities, it has secured 17th Rank by securing 1422.5 overall scores. The survey was based on Intake Quality & Governance, Academic & Research Excellence, Infrastructure & Living Experience, Personality & Leadership Development, Career Progression & Placement, as well as Objective & Perceptual Score.

Earlier the University has made its proud presence felt at various National & International platforms by achieving higher rankings. National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019 conducted by MHRD has ranked University at 55th position amongst National Universities. Guru Nanak Dev University has also been included among Top Ten High Performing State Universities across India which have been empowered to form Campus Companies that will receive special grants directly from the Centre and attract Foreign Mentors for up gradation and innovation in teaching and research.
The WEEK – Hansa Research Best University Survey 2019 has placed Guru Nanak Dev University at 7th Rank in North Zone Multi-Disciplinary Universities and at 14th Rank in All India Multi-Disciplinary Universities. QS World University Ranking BRICS 2019 a UK based Intelligence Company has placed Guru Nanak Dev University in the Rank Band of 301-350 in BRICS RANK AND 61-65 in India Rank.

Guru Nanak Dev University is a popular University of North India with a score of 3.51 on 4.00 Point Scale of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (A++ Grade). The University Grant Commission has granted “Category One” status to Guru Nanak Dev University. The University has been conferred with the status of “University with Potential for Excellence” by UGC.
It is pertinent to say that with the efforts of all the faculty members and Vice Chancellor’s vision and hard works, University’s ranking has improved and is focusing on excelling in all fields. Vice-Chancellor thanked the University fraternity for their support and co-operation in the upliftment of University. Members of Syndicate, Senate, many local bodies, Professors, Researchers, Officers and Employees of the University congratulated Professor Dr Jaspal Singh Sandhu for this commendable achievement and success.