Guru Nanak Dev University attains 41st rank in the World-VC


Guru Nanak Dev University attains 41st rank in the World-VC

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (Punjab, India) has been selected as one of the most innovative universities among the World’s Universities with Real Impact (WURI) for 2021 Rankings.

Contesting for innovative programmes in the ‘social responsibility, ethics, and integrity’ category’, it is awarded the 41st rank in Ethical Values. Overall, the university is placed at 101-200 among the World’s Universities with Real Impact.

The key innovative initiatives submitted for WURI included society-oriented research centres under RUSA 02 programme; water treatment and harvesting, biogas, vermicomposting, and green campus initiatives;   adopting colleges in remote and rural areas; adoption of villages for development; establishing students’ clubs and science club; etc. University’s participatory dialogue with society in order to promote sustainable development; supporting role in higher education in the urban and rural communities; pursuance for environmental excellence; practicing resource conservation to promote and improve the health of the community: performing community services through skill generation and up-scaling of the local manpower; conducting research addressing; and providing guidelines for the development and sustainability of society were some of the highlights mentioned to WURI.

WURI is organized by the Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness (IPSNC) and sponsored by Hanseatic League of Universities (HLU), Netherlands; the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS), Seoul (South Korea); the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Geneva (Switzerland); and the Tailor Institute at Franklin University Switzerland (FUS), Lugano, (Switzerland).

Guru Nanak Dev University attains 41st rank in the World-VC. GNDU Vice-Chancellor Dr. Jaspal Singh Sandhu has appreciated the efforts of the faculty and administrative departments for attaining these high ranks and wished the university to touch high peaks its future endeavours.

Guru Nanak Dev University attains 41st rank in the World-VC

July 16,2021