Hi-tech Governance reforms branch, a Step towards digital revolution in the district – Sakshi Sawhney


Hi-tech Governance reforms branch, a Step towards digital revolution in the district – Sakshi Sawhney

Kanwar Inder Singh/ February 24,2023

In order to ensure transparency and accountability of Government Officials and bring reforms in the citizen service delivery, today a hi-tech Governance Reforms Branch in District Administrative Complex has been inaugurated by Sakshi Sawhney, Deputy Commissioner Patiala.

DC Patiala informed that to achieve the targets with respect to modernization of the offices to ensure seamless citizen delivery to the citizens, a step has been taken by establishing a dedicated Governance Reforms Branch with state of art facilities.

She further informed that this branch shall have technical experts who will ensure implementation of IT automation and e-Governance projects in the district.

The branch will also monitor functioning of Sewa Kendras, coordination with other departments for pendency monitoring, training to officials, data analytics and bringing emerging technologies like AI-ML, IOT.

Hi-tech Governance reforms branch, a Step towards digital revolution in the district – Sakshi Sawhney

​Apart of this, a district level dashboard for monitoring of various schemes, programs, projects, utilization of resources was also inaugurated by the Deputy Commissioner.

Gurpreet Singh Thind, ADC (G) informed that district dashboard will help district authorities to check the progress of various activities in the district and will also act as strong decision support system to take timely decisions to implement Government flagship schemes.

The Deputy Commissioner informed that Patiala is the first district in the state which established hi-tech, state of the art branch. Dr. Akshita Gupta, IAS AC-UT, Amrinder Singh, DTC, Robin Singh DeGC, Pushpinder Joshi ADeGC were present in the event.

(royalpatiala.in News)