Homi Bhabha Hostel, Punjabi Univeristy, Patiala organised “Word Environment Day-2023


Homi Bhabha Hostel, Punjabi Univeristy, Patiala organised “Word Environment Day-2023

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ June 5,2023

Homi Bhabha Hostel, Punjabi University, Patiala organised “Word Environment Day-2023 on 05-06-2023 under the directions of Director  Higher Education, Government of Punjab. The theme for this year is Beat Plastic Pollution.

Dr. Onkar Singh Brraich, Warden of the Hostel welcomed  Prof. Harvinder Kaur, Dean Student Welfare as Chief Guest, She advised  the students to avoid food wastage in the hostel.

Dr. Inderjeet Singh Chahal, Provost (Boys), Guest of Honour advised the students to keep university campus plastic tree, Dr. Naina Sharma Additional Provost (Girls), Guest of Honour explained that to keep campus tree form paper wastage, there is a need to promote paper less or digital Campus, Wardens of different hostels and residents of the hostel were also present on the occasion.Plantation drive was carried out on the hostel premises .

Homi Bhabha Hostel, Punjabi Univeristy, Patiala organised "Word Environment Day-2023

Dr Onkar Singh Brraich explained that plastic is a big menace. It taken many years to degrade, it breaks down into microplastics and these small particles entered into out food chain which is a very dangerous phenomenon which is causing health hazards for human beings as well as on other organisms on this earth.