Horrific time for PSPCL, bank employees; held hostages in Patiala


Horrific time for PSPCL, bank employees; held hostages in Patiala

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ June 8,2023

Samyukat Kisan Morcha (Non Political) has made around 27 employees of Punjab state power corporation limited (PSPCL) and State Bank of India hostages at powercom’s head office at Patiala.

As per latest information 15 PSPCL employees and 12 State Bank of India employees are being held hostages by the Samyukat Kisan Morcha (Non Political).

These around 27 hostages, many PSPCL, SBI women staff are also not allowed to move outside the PSPCL head office, till the filling of this news at around 10:30 pm.

SBI has a branch in PSPCL head office premises.

Terrific time for PSPCL, bank employees; held hostages in Patiala

When contacted Saligram, who runs a canteen said “we have no ration. An officer has asked us to wait; they will send us the dinner in few minutes.”

Vishal Gaur, AAO who is one of the hostages said “they had closed all the three doors and exit points and are not allowing nobody  to move outside.”

Terrific time for PSPCL, bank employees; held hostages in Patiala Terrific time for PSPCL, bank employees; held hostages in Patiala

Ranbir , manager industrial relations (IR) PSPCL said “Samyukat Kisan Morcha (Non Political) are protesting against the PSPCL and pressurizing the powercom to accept their demands. When questioned is there any meeting going on between the PSPCL management and Samyukat Kisan Morcha (Non Political) leaders to resolve the issue, he said “ No, at present there is meeting going on.”

Terrific time for PSPCL, bank employees; held hostages in Patiala