Human Rights donates money to Red Cross Patiala; appeals for funds to Combat Covid 19


Human Rights donates money to Red Cross Patiala; appeals for funds to Combat Covid 19

Dr Pankaj Mohindru

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday appealed to the nation to help the poor and take care of their food needs as India has to stay locked down till May 3, 2020. However it is firmly felt at this moment that the middle class community of the country also reels under tough economic stress and also awaits ration and other essential household commodities to survive during the ongoing period of Lockdown 2.

Dr Nar Bahadur Verma, President of Human Rights Care Organization (Regd.) an NGO based at Patiala handed over ration items to Red Cross, Patiala which include 100 kg Atta, Rice, Cereals etc. Karnail Singh Chalela, Manager Ration Distribution of the organization visited many areas along with Red Cross representatives like Bishan Nagar etc to assure the proper distribution of ration in and around Patiala.

The office bearers of Human Rights Care Organization (Regd.), Patiala had an important discussion on mobile to help the underprivileged staying in the district. It was decided in wake of this urgency that the office bearers living in different areas would identify underprivileged inhabitants in their respective localities in Patiala. They identified the deprived people and provided ration of around Rs 33,000/- to the needy families.

The organization has helped Raj Kumar (old needy orphan) who had got paralysis attack recently. The patient underwent CT-Scan and other important tests at Modern Laboratories, Patiala with the financial help of organization. Dr J. R Sachdeva, Chairman of the organization gave the requisite treatment to the patient along with the appropriate medicines from his side. Later, the patient was admitted to Veer ji Apahej Ashram, Rajpura Road, Patiala.

K.L Verma, Vice-President (Leading Industrialist of Patiala) said that the sectors that are most severely impacted are transport, hotel, education and real estate in the Punjab state and it is important to be empathic towards the problems of the society.

Human Rights Care Organization (Regd.) Patiala

Vijay Mohan Verma, Vice-President of the organization informed that recently 300 masks had been given to Ranjeet Singh, Traffic In-charge Patiala Police to prevent further spread of Covid 19 Virus in the district.

Naresh Khanna, Vice-President said that the ongoing lockdown has halted all the economic activities including construction work, factories, shops etc are closed and the daily workers are left high and dry at this time.

Rishiv Jain, Finance Secretary of the organization (Retired Manger of State Bank of Patiala) informed the press that the organization is working in a very transparent manner since May, 2010. He also declared that all the funds raised are optimally utilized by the organization and financial balanced sheet is maintained by him annually.

Kuldeep Kaur Dhanjoon, Vice President (Retired Government Teacher) added to the press note that the organization is taking very small projects due to paucity of funds. The raising of funds is the main issue at this time of distress. The current crisis has pushed many relatively food secure families into poverty. She said it is our utmost duty to ensure that no one faces hunger as once said by Benjamin Franklin, “Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue, it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright”.

It is informed that the organization had to organize the 100th Ration distribution function on 12th April 2020 and Vijay Kumar Chopra had given his kind consent to be the Chief Guest for the event. However, the scheduled function has been postponed due to the spread of worldwide pandemic. The organization is running four Sewing centers to empower young girls at different locations in Patiala and the organization had to distribute certificates to girls completing their six months course successfully from the institutes run by the organization. The organization had plans to give around ten sewing machines to meritorious girls of the four schools in the scheduled function.

Dr Pankaj Mohindru, Vice President and Media Advisor expresses his sincere gratitude to all the sponsors, donors and all the members associated with the organization. Brahm Mohindra, MLA Patiala II & Cabinet Minister Local Bodies has donated Rs 50,000/- to the organization recently.  Vijay Kumar Chopra (Chief executive officer and Editor in chief of the Punjab Kesari print news organization) has sent Rs 11,000/- many times to the organization in last few years and appreciated the social work of the organization.

It is a big challenge for the team to raise funds quickly at this time of distress to help the needy and downtrodden people of the society and it is appealed through this press note to all the readers of this article to donate with full generosity and to contact us at this Email– [email protected] to lend a hand to combat this deadly Coronavirus disease effectively.

The writer-Dr. Pankaj Mohindru (Columnist) is a Professor in Punjabi University, Patiala and is an expert in the field of Human Resource Management and Artificial Intelligence and is guiding research in this field.

(The views expressed are personal)
