IEI Local Center Bathinda Celebrated Energy Conservation day


IEI Local Center Bathinda Celebrated Energy Conservation day

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Energy Conservation Day was celebrated by Institution of Engineers Local Center Bathinda on 10th December at Local Center Bathinda. During this programme, engineers from various departments and students from technical university participated in this event.

Er. Naveen Kumar Chief Engineer Military Engineer Services Bathinda Zone participated as the chief guest and Er. Kusam Ranjan Director (Design) HQ Chief Engineer Bathinda Zone (MES) participated as Guest of Honour. Dr. Jagtar Singh Sivia Chairman of Institution of Engineers Local Center Bathinda welcomed all the participants and highlighted the importance of this day and also said that we should maximize the use of renewable energy resources economically and conserve non-renewable energy resources. So that the coming generation can benefit from these latest changes. Dr. Manjit Bansal Dean Consultancy and Industry Linkage Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University Bathinda participated as key note speaker and gave expert lecture on “Alternate Energy resources” like solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, wind energy, ocean energy etc in detail.

IEI Local Center Bathinda Celebrated Energy Conservation day

IEI Local Center Bathinda Celebrated Energy Conservation day. While his discussion, he said that we should make maximum use of these resources. Dr. Tara Singh Kamal former Vice President Institution of Engineers also participated in this event in on- line mode from IEI Chandigarh Sate Centre. Dr. Amandeep Kaur Sarao Assistant Professor Yadvindra Department of Engineering Talwandi Sabo was moderator of the programme. Er. J. S. Deol Honorary Secretary I.E. I Local Center Bathinda ended the programme by saying the words of thanks. 35 on-line engineers and 31 off-line engineers participated in this event.


The Institution has its PAN India presence through more than 100 State and Local Centres, located at capital cities and towns of industrial and academic importance. In addition to that IEI has six Overseas Chapters in the Middle East. These centres are organizing various technical activities locally under the guidelines of the Council.

December 10,2022