IIIrd National webinar organized by Govt. Mohindra College


IIIrd National webinar organized by Govt. Mohindra College

Gurjit Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

On 8th July 2020, Law department of Mohindra College successfully conducted 3rd National Webinar on CRAFTING AND DRAFTING SKILLS. The keynote speaker Advocate Parduman Garg explained the topic very precisely and effectively. Besides his perfect explanation, he motivated all the participants to be confident and remain inspired in their journey to success.

IIIrd National webinar organized by Govt. Mohindra College

The webinar was highly appreciated and was attended by a large number of faculty members, lawyers and students from all over India specially from Mumbai, Andhra-Pradesh, Chandigarh, Jammu, Delhi. The webinar  concluded with vote of thanks for Principal Govt Mohindra College, Dr. Simrat kaur, HOD, Joginder Paul, teacher incharge Dr. Sanjeev Mehta and student co-coordinator Japji.
