IIT director calls for doctors engineers collaboration


IIT director calls for doctors engineers collaboration

Bahadurjeet Singh/ Rupnagar

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Rupnagr Director Prof. Rajeev Ahuja  while delivering key note address in annual update organised by Indian Medical Association(IMA),Rupnagar said there was an need of the hour for increased collaboration between engineers and doctors which in turn  will decrease Indian healthcare industry dependency on international market .Doctors being end users can give a real feedback to engineers which will help them to  develop what is best so as to fight the various Life threatening diseases .

Prof. Rajeev Ahuja shared his experiences of working at Uppsala University, Sweden.According to him ,Its is time for “Colobration and Innovation”.Both doctors and engineers should Make serious effort to improve primary healthcare in State.

IIT director calls for doctor’s engineer’s collaboration

Prof. Rajeev Ahuja was chief guest at Annual Medical Update organised by IMA Rupnagar. Giving this information in joint statement Dr.Ajay Jindal,President and BPS Parmar secretary said that over 300 doctors attended this update.One day conference was preced by one day workshop on laproscopinc surgery and CPR.Prof Rohit Manoj and Dr.Aamn sharma from PGI,Dr. Nikhil Nadkarni and Dr,Rakesh Jaswal from Fortis Hospital, Mohali ,Amit Shanker Singh and Dr Bedi delivered lectures on latest trends in management of various complex diseases.

Prominent Doctors from Region,Dr.RS Parmar,Dr.Paramjit Mann,President IMA Pb,Dr.Amarbir Singh,Dr.Pawan Sharma, Dr Rajeev aggarwal, Dr.HN sharma,Dr Bhimsain,Dr.Dharam Singh,Dr .KS Pannu,Dr.Surjit Singh Dr.KP Poswal,Dr.JPS Sangha,Dr. Bijendra Singh Dr.Amrinder Gill,Dr,Jagdeep Chowdhary,Dr.Arun Sharma.,Dr.Sukhbir,          Dr. Devinderbir, Dr.Sushil attended the event

December 20,2022