IIT Ropar devised affordable, compact and infection free BIPAP machine


IIT Ropar devised affordable, compact and infection free BIPAP machine

Kanwar Inder /royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Critical cases of COVID-19 require respiratory support provided primarily by mechanical ventilators. But, as per the current trend, about 15% of the cases require hospitalization and less than 5% cases are critical. Due to the massive number of COVID-19 cases all over the world, the ventilator requirement is increasing, and these traditional ventilators are quite expensive and are occupied for the critical cases, thus available in limited numbers. In this regard, IIT Ropar researchers developed a BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) ventilation support that can be used for the less critical cases where patients do not require intubation by specialized staff and also minimizing the risk of infection during the procedure.

The design of the BiPAP is minimal, easy to operate, made out of readily available and economical electronic/mechanical parts. It can be assembled and used with ease in remote areas, villages or at home. A single ventilator can support multiple patients, provided that airflow is sufficient.  Dr. NehaSardana from Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Ropar along with Gaurav Pal Sigh, Research Scholar at IIT Ropar developed this.

IIT Ropar devised affordable, compact and infection free BIPAP machine

The design of an inexpensive BiPAP comes with an infection-free exhaust. BiPAP is a mode of ventilation which maintains positive pressure for air intake, and a low pressure is created for expiration. It has been optimized to work well below the lung burst pressure and hence can be safely used by non-skilled persons. The BiPAP uses an air blower connected to an Arduino via a speed controller, the level of pressure and breathing rate are programmed in the Arduino (open source), thus, the blower functions in BiPAP mode. The 3D printed mask here comprises of a unique design for the intake and exhalation of air; and comprises of two sizes to fit all adults while avoiding any leakage. The design is further tweaked for emergency use to support up to four patients using a single BiPAP. The mass production of the same would cost approx. INR 6500 or 85 USD.

Commercial BiPAPs are expensive and the masks included leak the exhaled breath to the surroundings as the exhaled air is not filtered, which increases the risk of infection to healthcare workers.

Novelty in Design Technology

A tweaked BiPAP comes with:

(a) A replaceable filter connected to the outlet valve of the mask to entrap the airborne disease causing particles.

(b) A BiPAP machine that can support up to four patients simultaneously.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a massive challenge to healthcare services around the globe which requires innovative and immediate solutions. This BiPAP machine in the current situation aims to deliver an economical and user-friendly respiratory support for non-critical patients and a backup resource for hospitals facing ventilation shortage. The final BiPAP design can support upto four patients simultaneously and has filtration for both inlet and outlet air to minimize the risk of cross-infection.
